
Welcome to my false reality... now get out.

So if you survived that heartening and welcoming intro of a title, I guess I should congratulate you. So, uh, congratu-freakin'-lations. Have a candy and balloon. 


By the way, I poisoned the candy and popped the balloon.

Anyway, this is my first entry on here. Woot. (please note the enthusiasm) Since I can't get on my DeviantArt anymore, this will be my way of keeping my friends involved after I move. I kinda have to thank my boyfriend for the idea *nods head to said boyfriend*, especially since I didn't really know what blogging was until I read his (nice banner by the way ;) ). All I have to say is this should be relatively interesting.

I'm kind of bored here actually. I'm on a really bad writer's block and all the lovely screeching fangirls from fanfiction are leaping down my throat to get me to finish stories. Sigh. Well, we all knew that I was going to die sometime, and no one ever said it was going to be pleasant. I'll try to get at least one chapter for one of them finished tonight, but it's probably not going to happen.

Here's a little tid-bit of joy from me to you to brighten your day: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar goes WTF. 

If you don't get it, go slam your head on a wall. *waves with cheery smile* Have a nice day!

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