
Details of the Day

Today is a happy smiley day. No, not like "Yay! Happiness and smiley faces are falling from the sky! Everyone have a kitten!" More like I'm sitting content on my bed with a book, a pad of paper, and my laptop. I've conversed with all my friends, had an epic battle with a fly, and nearly gouged out my eyes after the hotsauce incident.
Don't worry, I'll get to each.
First: friends. I was reading an old conversation I was having on a groupchat and realized my bestest best friend in the whole wide world thought I was moving to Jersey. Needless to say I laughed and proceeded to torture him. Went something like this*:
Me: So, wait: since when am I moving to Jersey?
Him: What?
Me: You were telling Piratadelibertad that I was moving to Jersey.
   I can't go to Jersey: Tape's from Jersey.
   Told me too many horror stories.
Him: So where ARE you going?
Me: Dude, what's the name of the college I'm going to?
Him: ...
Me: Exactly. Why would I be attending Penn State in Jersey?
Him: *walks away*
So the teasing begins. Needless to say, I will never be letting him forget that moment.
(* IM convo is paraphrased, so it's not word for word accurate and I may have skipped some parts.)
Now for the fly. This irritating insect is DETERMINED to harrass me whenever I get on the computer. Every. Single. Time. Laptop opens, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! There goes the fly! No manner of swatting, swearing, or swishy-hand-motions-of-death have detered its efforts as of yet. Just wait though. I'll get the little bastard.
Anyway, today I made Charley's style sandwhiches for lunch. In the process of making them, I accidentally got Texas Pete on my hand. I didn't want to burn the food, so I just let it be, intending to wash it off my hands when I finished. Except...
I forgot.
And OF COURSE I proceeded to rub my eyes with the hand that had hot sauce on it. Leaving me a whimpering mess on the floor. Oh, the curses that flew from my lips! I wish I'd written some of them down, 'cuz they were so original and colorful and now I can't remember what they were. :C
But ANEHWAYZ! After I recovered from hotsauce in the eyes, I once again forgot about washing my hands. Leading to yet another therapy session with the floor.
How does this translate to having a good day you ask? I have no idea.  I just kinda laughed all the way through it I guess.
Anywho, I'm off to talk to my bf/bf person.

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